Melania Trump’s Handmaid’s Tale-esque Christmas trees are creeping out everyone on Twitter

Normally when you think of Christmas trees, you imagine twinkly lights, pretty ornaments, and that amazing evergreen smell. But apparently, in the White House, that’s not quite how things go. On Monday morning, November 26th, Melania Trump shared a video of the White House all decorated for the holidays, and let’s just say it’s giving us more Handmaid’s Tale vibes than any holiday decor should.

In the video, Trump is seen walking around the White House and dreaming up what the decorations should look like. It all seems pretty standard until she ends up in a long hallway flanked by red Christmas trees. No lights. No ornaments. Just bright red trees—at least a dozen of them—and the visual is pretty disconcerting. And apparently, the image of Trump standing among all those trees has really struck a nerve with people on Twitter.

First of all, the video in question:

The theme this year is “American Treasures,” but we’re having a hard time figuring out how the blood red trees fit into all of this. Fortunately, so are a lot of other people, and they are all hilariously weighing in.

Some had to make those Gilead comparisons:


But others thought they looked more like Muppets.

This amazing tweet sums up exactly what the Trumps might have been thinking:

But maybe it was more like The Shining?

Mostly, people just thought the fact that they were the color of blood was pretty weird:

But should we really be surprised, considering that this is what Trump’s trees looked like last year?

The world is a crazy place, but at least we can count on the Trump White House to creep us out in the name of Christmas every year. That’s something, right?

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