Meet Jon Burgerman, World’s Coolest Doodler

Mail Order Interviews” are illustrated interviews with awesome humans conducted via mail. This particular one is with constant doodler Jon Burgerman, a UK born, Brooklyn based artist with a juicy last name. Here’s what you need to know about him:

Jon Burgerman is a constant doodler.  He’s originally from the UK, so you already know he’s pretty cool. He currently resides in Brooklyn, NY where he makes eye-popping art for money and sport.

Jon’s got the sweetest last name probably ever—I mean, it’s got the word burger in it, so. . .  He’s also been known draw on unusual surfaces, including cars and arms—which only adds to his coolness.

Jon’s got hundreds of colorful and whimsical friends that he’s created and enough talent to take him from New York to the UK and back a thousand times. We asked John to doodle a Mail Order Interview for us. Here’s what he sent back:

You can check out more of Jon’s work on his website and personal blog.  Follow him @jonburgerman on Instagram to keep up with all of his latest doodles.

(Featured image vi)