McDonald’s has a really exciting announcement about their breakfast menu
McDonald’s have been overhauling their image in 2015 and the latest move, announced today, is that the company will transition to using 100% cage-free eggs in their 16,000 American and Canadian restaurants. But, it’s going to take them 10 years to get there.
It’s the latest effort to modernization by CEO Steve Easterbrook, NBC News points out, with an eye towards accommodating customers’ growing interest in animal welfare. Easterbrook has also ushered the company to switch to chickens raised without most antibiotics.
“Our customers are increasingly interested in knowing more about their food and where it comes from,” McDonald’s USA President Mike Andres said in a press release. “Our decision to source only cage-free eggs reinforces the focus we place on food quality and our menu to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.”
Though it might be a gradual transition, it is a big deal for the food industry that sends quite a message with McDonald’s bottom line behind it. The burger company revealed that they purchase approximately 2 billion eggs a year, with 120 million of those going to use on breakfast sandwiches. We’ve all had an Egg McMuffin kind of morning —won’t it be great when we know that sandwich was more humanely made?
It’s an especially smart move for McDonald’s — 41% of breakfast lovers (officially called “breakfastarians”) prefer the chain’s breakfast over any other breakfast.
“We’re proud of the work we’re doing with farmers and suppliers to advance environmentally and socially conscious practices for the animals in our supply chain,” Marion Gross, senior vice president and Chief Supply Chain Officer of McDonald’s North America said in a press release. “This is a bold move and we’re confident in our ability to provide a quality, safe, and consistent supply.”
Now about the source of those burger patties…
(Image via McDonald’s)
Breakfastarians are a thing and McDonald’s is their happy place
The latest McDonald’s menu addition is one we didn’t see coming