McDonald’s surprised this 100-year-old woman with a birthday celebration, and we are crying

What would you do to commemorate your 100th birthday? Skydive? Go to dinner? Lucky for Hanover, Maryland resident, Nadine Baum, she didn’t have to decide because someone did it for her.

Her favorite local eatery, McDonald's (of course!), had a special plan to help this 100-year-old woman celebrate and it was nothing short of amazing!

For Baum, this Baltimore Street location had been a familiar place for a while. She and her son. Mike, often ate lunch for the past five or six years. Now that’s dedication!

However on this special day, the restaurant looked a little different than Baum was used to. Employees chipped in to decorate the interior — and her favorite table — with balloons, flowers, and cake.

Surrounded by a dozen loved ones, they even provided her with a lifetime of free meals for her loyalty.

Yes. I said lifetime. Are you kidding? Now this is a birthday present we can get behind!

Party organizer and crew member, Ginny Slaubaugh, implied the free food for life was more for the crew’s benefit thanto provide a spectacular birthday gift, telling one of their favorite customer’s, Ms. Baum:

"Now we can see you every day!"

The best part? This party was a complete surprise! No, we’re not crying, YOU are! Seriously though. Talk about a great way to ring in your 100th year!

After staff sang “Happy Birthday,” Baum ate a Big Mac and drank a whipped cream-topped mocha frappe. Now we know the secret to longevity! She told Evening Sun exactly how this day made her feel, and we’re right there with her!

"I don’t know what I did to deserve all this. I count my blessings every day."

It’s clear she deserves every bit of this. We can all hope to reach such a milestone.

We highly suggest you watch the above video of Ms. Baum’s entrance at the surprise reveal. Be warned though —you’ll need a tissue.