May The Force be with these Disney princesses as ‘Star Wars’ characters

When The Walt Disney Company bought Lucasfilm and the Star Wars universe in 2012, in a really roundabout way, Princess Leia became a Disney princess. OK, so maybe not officially, with a coronation in front of the castle and a spot in the daily parade, but she became a Disney princess in our hearts. That’s most important.

But what about the OG standard Disney princesses? If Leia now gets to be a Disney princess, shouldn’t Aurora get to be like, a Stormtrooper? Yes, she should. Amazingly, that’s now happened.

Artist Isaiah Stephens has inserted some of all the time. But now this, it’s even better.

Aurora, Tiana, Mulan, and Pocahontas have joined the Imperial Empire as Stormtroopers, and hopefully they find the droids they’re looking for. Elsewhere, Belle Solo and her best friend, Beast Chewbacca, are caught in the middle of a blaster fight, but they’ve still been in worse situations before. Taking the action over to the moon of Endor, Snow White makes nice with some Ewok-inspired Dwarfs.

As for villains? Stephens has covered that too. Ursula becomes Jabba the Hutt, completely with a dejected gold-biking wearing Ariel, and we’ve now got two truly terrifying villains in the form of Darth Maleficent and Emperor Evil Queen. There are a few childhood nightmares now all wrapped into one.

Last, but certainly not least, we’ve got Master Stitch teaching his padawan, Lilo, the ways of the Force. It’s all seriously too cute, and one of the most perfect Disney-Star Wars mashups to date.

Check out Stephens’ work below. We’ll continue to watch his career with great interest.

(Image via Tumblr.)

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