Matt LeBlanc reunited with Dakota Fanning on “Live! With Kelly” and it was adorable

One of the best things about Friends is the amount of guest stars that appeared throughout the 10 seasons of the show. While we definitely remember big ones (like, Brad Pitt showing up right when it was adorable for him to do so) and special episodes that featured the likes of George Clooney, there were also the stars that were just starting out in the business. Case in point, Dakota Fanning.
Now, while we know Dakota Fanning quite well today, we probably just thought she was a talented young actress when her episode of Friends aired. Her episode, “The One with Princess Consuela,” aired in 2004, and Fanning played a young girl named Mackenzie who formed an unlikely bond with Joey, played by Matt LeBlanc.
In the episode, Joey is really upset about Monica and Chandler moving forward into a brand new house. Mackenzie will be moving out of that same house, and she’s not very happy about it. The two bond over their potential loss of friends, and it’s incredibly sweet.
LeBlanc remembers Fanning quite well, and when the two met up during an episode of Live! With Kelly, it was pretty darn amazing.
Fanning was nine or ten when the episode aired, and noted how she was incredibly starstruck on the show.
"I remember being shown up by a -- how old were you? -- nine year old," LeBlanc says. "She's so good."
It’s so good to see both of them back together! Their scenes together were phenomenal, and it’s a shame Fanning only got to appear on that one episode — the friendship her character developed with Joey was pretty legendary.