This is how you can make a matchmaking site for cats a reality

White online dating can be equal parts exciting and cringeworthy, online pet matchmaking can only go so, so right. PawsLikeMe, a service that matches potential owners with their perfect dog, is looking to expand and include cats — but they need our help.

According to their IndieGoGo campaign, PawsLikeMe used a scientifically proven algorithm that has over 90% accuracy for matching dog lovers with the pooch of their dreams. With the tagline “Personality is more than fur deep,” the idea is that pet owners are less likely to return, or worse, abandon, their newly adopted dog if the family and the animal are a good personality fit from the start. Do you want a quiet, lazy pooch who’ll snuggle in your lap? They can help match you. Would you prefer an energetic little guy who wants to chase sticks in the park? They can match you to him, too. In 2015, PawsLikeMe connected over two million people with adoptable dogs.

This year, they’re looking to take things to the next level — and this is where our cat ladies should start paying attention — and work on an algorithm to match cats with potential owners. But it’s trickier than it sounds: The original algorithm took a combined 30 years of experience to create, so to adapt the formula for cats, the organization is trying to raise $15,000 to get the program on its feet. Or, rather, its paws.


PawsLikeMe is offering awesome perks like discounts, early access to the cat feature once they’ve reached their goal, a personalized book, or getting professional photos taken of you and your furry friend.

There are so many cats out there who need awesome homes, and a matchmaking site for cats would make it easier to find the perfect fit for you while giving the kitty the life it deserves. Win, win!


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