This sex toy company’s #DoItInMay campaign reminds us that masturbation is totally normal

It’s staggering to think that it’s 2017 and masturbation is still a taboo subject. The popular Japanese sex toy company TENGA has set out to make sure that May, also known as International Masturbation Month, is a time for everyone to celebrate the act of masturbating. That’s why TENGA conducted a survey of 1,200 people about their opinions on masturbation. What did they find out? Well, everyone masturbates—but we just aren’t talking about it.
HelloGiggles spoke with Christina McDonald, a representative of TENGA, who confirms that the taboo around masturbating is pretty palpable.
"Comparatively to Japan, here in the U.S. there is a stigma around talking about masturbation," McDonald tells HG.
It’s not too late to join the movement. Sign up for #MasturbationMay & support sexuality education. #DoItInMay
— TENGA Global (@TENGA_Global) May 19, 2017
According to TENGA, 81 percent of women have masturbated in their lifetime, but people estimate that only 68 percent of women masturbate. Interestingly enough, 36 percent of men and 22 percent of women have lied about masturbating in their lifetime. Their reasoning? Embarrassment and fear of being judged by their friends and family. The solution? Talking about it.
In honor of Masturbation May, TENGA launched their #DoItInMay campaign.
They invited participants to pledge to masturbate regularly during the month of May, and the company hopes that pledging will reduce the stigma of masturbation and celebrate the positivity in exploring one’s body and self-pleasure.
“There are two ways to participate. You can sign up on, which is anonymous,” explains McDonald. “With every pledge, we donate $1 to Sexuality and Information Education Council of the United States. If you Tweet #DoItInMay on social media, we donate $2. This is because of the stigma and because it takes a little bit of extra courage. It’s a great call to action.”
And by the way, if you sign the pledge on TENGA’s website, you’ll receive a coupon for 10 percent off of your purchase on USA TENGA. Score!
"TENGA isn't saying, 'You should masturbate twenty times this month,'" explains McDonald. "Just do your part, whatever that means to you."
The prevalence in which we discuss the health benefits of masturbating will only heighten awareness and body positivity around the stigmatized act. Moreover, masturbating isn’t just about getting off. In fact, 59 percent of people masturbate to relieve tension, 26 percent masturbate as a sleep aid, and 54 percent use it a stress reliever.
Masturbation doesn’t even have to be a solo act all the time. More than 95 percent of people agreed that masturbating in front of their partner was a positive experience.
"It's really a healthy, natural act. We all do it," McDonald tells HG.
Here are four ways masturbation can be beneficial to your life.
1 It can bring you some good old fashioned happiness
Having an orgasm releases endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin. These three chemicals improve mood and give a sense of euphoria. Get ready to be in a good mood all day long.
2 You’ll gain some self-confidence
Exploring one’s body is a liberating experience that will enhance your sexual understanding of what you need, or want, from your partner. “The more that people talk about it without feeling a sense of shame, I think it will empower masturbation,” says McDonald. “Frankly, masturbating is a way to take hold of your own sexuality. You know your body best.”
3 It improves your sex life
Masturbating gets a bad reputation because people believe that sex should be enough. Not true. By masturbating, you become more in tune with what your body craves. This understanding can then be translated into the bedroom with your partner. What’s more is that 30 percent of women, compared to 21 percent of men, find masturbation more pleasurable than being intimate with another person.
4 It eases pain
From menstrual cramps to headaches to body aches, masturbation can be a cure-all remedy. The chemicals released during an orgasm combat any ailments you may be feeling in your body. It can reduce stress levels and elevate your sense of happiness and well-being—all the while helping you sleep better and taking away some chronic pain.
Which is precisely why sex toy companies like TENGA have been promoting masturbation and body positivity by giving away free toys and spreading the gospel. The taboo attached to solo pleasure will slowly be eradicated with dialogue and celebration. On that note, here’s another daily dose of encouragement to unabashedly liberate your body and ride the solo wave of pleasure. Enjoy every second of it!