Here’s a massive seal in Australia chilling on top of a car like it’s NBD
Animals are the ultimate chill partners. They don’t care where they hang out, as long as it happens. If they become too complacent with relaxing in their natural habitats, they’ll get some downtime in whenever, wherever. Example: this massive seal in Tasmania, Australia chilling on a car as if it’s NBD (and also, as if the roof and windscreen of the vehicle aren’t buckling under its weight, but we digress).
Our seal knowledge is limited, but what we do know is they love climbing on top of the most random shit (see: fur seal surfing on a whale). What is up with that?!
Clearly, these adorable marine animals care nothing about boundaries, as proven by this photo that the Tasmania Police department shared on Facebook of the sea creature they nicknamed “Mr. Lou-Seal” in peak IDGAF mode.
Oof. Seals are beyond hilarious, but we’ve never felt sorrier for an inanimate object than we have at this moment because cars simply weren’t built for this kind of burden.
No one knows that better than the crushed car’s owners, who contacted Parks and Wildlife to come and transport Mr. Lou Seal back to the beach, the nearest of which was more than 50 miles away.
As of Christmas, the police reported that Mr. Lou-Seal had been tranquilized and removed from the property by wildlife authorities and would be released back into the wild after a medical exam.
Launceston seal, dubbed Lou-Seal being moved from suburban driveway into a trailer
— Sallese Gibson (@sallesegibson) December 26, 2016
Now the question is, who’s gonna foot the bill for the property damage?