Maryland just started an LGBT Chamber of Commerce — here’s why that matters
We just found out that an LGBT Chamber of Commerce is about to launch in Maryland, and, TBH, it’s pretty darn cool. While it might seem like it’s NBD to be LGBTQ+ these days, it’s still something that members of the community have to navigate in their everyday lives — and that includes their work lives, too. Trying to figure out if it’s okay to come out at work or not is not an easy decision at all, and Maryland’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce is helping take away some of the guess work.
So here’s what Maryland’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce basically is: It’s a way to link and connect LGBT business people and provide a sense of community. Pretty cool, right?
Betsy Cerulo told the Baltimore Business Journal that the overall goal of the LGBT Chamber of Commerce is to create a more welcoming environment for LGBT businesses and business owners. Alongside Dave Imre, Cerulo decided to make it happen, explaining,
"Our mission is to empower and promote LGBT professionals and business owners in the Maryland marketplace. If all our diverse businesses and business groups win, ultimately, Maryland wins."
Cerulo continued, explaining that they believe the move will strengthen the Baltimore community and draw in new people with its inclusive message.
"We want to build communities, to bring people together to celebrate and cultivate diversity in the business community. By having this kind of organization, we're going to be able to attract people who know there is a strong network of support here for these business owners."
Now this is one thing we can definitely get behind. We’re sending nothing but good luck to these folks as they bring this idea to life!