Mars is entering Pisces this week—here’s what this means for your zodiac sign

Action planet Mars will enter dreamy Pisces on May 13th and will swim through this sentimental sign until June 27th. During this time, you will assert your energy to ensure peace and kindness at all costs. However, with Neptune’s alignment with Mars, both of which are in Pisces, you may be unsure as to how to move forward. The good news is that you can create the life you want and become the person you always wanted to be.  

Here’s your horoscope. Also, make sure to check your rising sign.


It’s hard for you to assert your opinions and views right now, which will make you feel stuck as you can’t express yourself. Use your pent-up energy towards a creative project or hobby to manifest your dreams into reality. This project will satisfy your artistic expressions.  


The drama with your friends never seems to end—mostly because they aren’t changing their ways and making moves towards transformation. Don’t be afraid to speak up and let your feelings be known. Chances are, your crew will be receptive to your feelings and willing to work on issues.  


You want to be the superstar of the company you work for, but you’re unsure if your personal beliefs align with their visions. Find a balance that works for you, as your honest heart doesn’t want to be a sellout. “To thy own self be true,” Gemini!  


Your mind and spirit are thirsting for adventure now. And, to be frank, your lust for life is making you become extremely fanatical with your new beliefs. When people don’t agree with you, don’t fight back too hard. Allow others to embrace their own philosophies as you’re doing at the moment. 


As the old saying goes, you can be whoever you want to be. This is important in order for you to live up to your truest vibe and highest potential.  


Now that you’ve found love, what are you gonna do? Moving forward with a crush may be challenging, as you’re holding back on opening yourself up to someone new. Take a leap of faith now with your budding relationship. The positive benefits of finding a new love outweigh the negatives.  


You’ve been dreaming of early retirement—and, hey, who can blame you. Sipping Mai Tais at the golf course sure does sound nice. Now, you’ve suddenly got a flash of inspiration, urging you to take charge and implement your visions. 


Chasing after your crush will prove pointless: You’ll find that you didn’t have to do all this extra work for them to be interested in you because they’re already feeling you! They’re just acting slowly in making their feelings known. Remember, you can’t hurry love. Be patient. 


Finding your spiritual core is challenging right now. But if you allow yourself to think outside the box and connect with different energies, you’ll be able to transform your personal ideology and views. Sign up for an online yoga class or learn tarot to expand your mind and horizons.  


It’s hard for you to walk away from confrontation, especially when you have a lot to say. Instead of sparring off with your pals, take a step back and find the right words to say. Then you can finally express yourself to the best of your ability without any drama.  


Finances are a sore subject, but with proper planning, you can work through these issues. Instead of indulging on top-shelf deserts, try baking your own banana bread. And rather than buying fancy shoes, purchase a pair that suits your budget. Little savings here and there will add up soon.  


You’re taking initiative in all matters of your life. The caveat to your newly found power is that you don’t necessarily know what to do with it. Every leap forward may be followed by a step backward, making you stuck in the same situation you’ve been all this time.  

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