Watch Mark Ruffalo answer the sexist questions ScarJo deals with all the time
There’s a long-running tendency in the media when it comes to the kinds of questions that actresses are forced to field in interviews — questions that, for some odd reason, never seem to come up for their male co-stars. Scarlett Johansson has definitely been on the receiving end of questions that may come across as a sexist, especially when compared to the questions asked of her male Avengers castmates.
In a famous interview back in 2012 during the promoting of the first Avengers film, Scarlett was rightfully bothered by a question she got at a press conference in London, when a reporter asked Robert Downey, Jr. about Tony Stark’s character arc and then proceeded to follow up with a question posed to Scarlett about how she got in shape to fit into her Black Widow costume. It went like this:
We weren’t the only ones who remembered her killer response. This time around, for the Avengers: Age of Ultron press tour, Cosmo UK decided to change things up and ask fellow Avengers actor Mark Ruffalo the sorts of questions Scarlett normally has to deal with. And ScarJo had the chance to answer some more in-depth, insightful asks about her character’s journey.
Of course, Ruffalo takes the whole thing in stride, being completely willing to answer questions about the red carpet and the kind of diet he was on — while Scar Jo gets the opportunity to talk about all the cool stunts she was a part of during filming the second Avengers movie.
By highlighting the double standard with a little role reversal, Cosmo’s interviewer reminded fellow journalists to rethink the questions they’re asking women — because those questions have a lasting impact on the gender divide and the way we treat women. Let’s cross our fingers for the day when all celebrities will be asked the same questions across the board, no matter their gender.
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