Mark Hamill posts a heart-wrenching tribute to Carrie Fisher one year after her death

It’s been a whole year since the world lost one of its best people. Mark Hamill paid tribute to Carrie Fisher on the anniversary of her death on Twitter, and we’re definitely tearing up a little bit. While we’ve felt the actresses’s absence since her death, fans worldwide have felt especially emotional since the release of The Last Jedi, which features Carrie Fisher’s Princess Leia so prominently.

But we know this time of year must be even harder for Carrie Fisher’s friends, family, and loved ones. Not only is it the holiday season — which can stir up ALL the feelings — but it’s the anniversary of her death. Our hearts go out to them.

Mark Hamill, the Luke to Carrie’s Leia, has been pretty open about how difficult it’s been after losing Carrie Fisher, and we appreciate all of his candidness.

In an interview with PeopleTV, while he was promoting The Last Jedi without everyone’s favorite Princess slash General, he said:

"I’m selfishly mad that she’s not here to make me laugh. But I’m also grateful for all that she was able to give us while she was here. It has not been easy."

He captioned his Tweet:

"No one's ever really gone... #AlwaysWithUs #CarrieOnForever"

We’re especially fond of the #CarrieonForever hashtag and will def be keeping it in mind as we set out to tackle 2018.

We think Carrie Fisher would’ve approved, especially of the illustration of her holding Gary Fisher with her middle finger up. We hope wherever she is, she’s taking notes for Mark Hamill on all the snarky things she’d say during The Last Jedi press junkets.

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