18 March For Our Lives sign ideas to inspire your protest

On February 14th, 17 innocent students lost their lives when a gunman walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The survivors of the school shooting went through hell — and they decided to do something about it. The teens organized March For Our Lives, a giant protest that calls for stricter gun control laws. The official protest in Washington, D.C., as well as the other protests throughout the nation, happens on Saturday, March 24th. If you’re planning on getting involved, you’ll need a sign that makes a statement. We compiled a few March For Our Lives sign ideas to inspire you.

Whether you want to speak out about gun control or call attention to a specific part of the issue, there are plenty of poster ideas out there you can copy or use as motivation to create your own. Many were spotted during National Walkout Day on March 14th, a day when students and teachers throughout the U.S. walked out of schools at 10 a.m. for 17 minutes to honor the 17 students who died in Parkland, Florida.

It’s never been more important to speak up about gun control issues and to try to make a change. Let’s learn from the students who survived the Florida shooting and do something to make a difference. These posters and the protests this weekend are only the beginning. Check out some March For Our Lives sign ideas below to get started:

1. This sign debunks a popular statement made by people who are trying to protect gun rights.


2. Why does this still need to be said?

3. This is such a powerful statement.


4. Sometimes you can just keep it really simple and still say a lot.

5. This is for everyone sick of those who respond to these tragedies with thoughts and prayers.

6. It’s really sad that this is something people need to be reminded of.

7. This one definitely makes a good point. 

8. This play on Martin Luther King Jr.’s words is so important.

9. This question is super powerful.

10. Teens are the change we need to see right now.


11. This is so true.

12. Reminding people of these statistics is always a good idea.

13. A sad reminder: it could be anyone.

14. Take a jab at the senators who support the NRA.

15. Again, it’s really sad that things like this need to be said.

16. This feminist statement makes an excellent point.

17. Exactly.

18. These powerful posters make an important statement.

If you’re participating in March For Our Lives, we stand with you.

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