If Maisie Williams has her way, Arya will never reunite with the Starks

The Stark family has taken a lot of hits over the course of Game of Thrones. There was the infamous “Red Wedding” episode (also called “The Rains of Castamere”) in which we lost Robb Stark, his wife, Talisa Stark, and the mother of all the Stark children, Catelyn Stark, in one fell swoop. Eddard Stark died a very public death by beheading after King Joffrey gave the word, and the family recently lost Rickon Stark to Ramsey Bolton’s bow and arrow. The list goes on and on, and has made fans hope more than ever that the remaining Starks — Bran, Sansa, Jon, and Arya — would someday reunite.

However, Maisie Williams (who plays Arya Stark) has an #unpopularopinion if there ever was one when it comes to this subject. She has recently said in an interview with People that she doesn’t want her character to see the rest of the family. “I’d love for her to be a bit of a lone ranger — kind of like the Hound. I don’t really want her to reunite with her family.”

While this is kind of a heartbreaking idea, it also might make sense for Arya if you think about it — while we’ve been watching her story along with the other Stark siblings, her character hasn’t really had a parallel evolution. She’s had to do things on her own and as a result, has become incredibly independent — arguably way more than the others, who have definitely become badass in their own right but have also had teamwork to thank for their own changes.

Arya has grown in a way that might make it hard to reconnect with her siblings — not just in the sense that they might be hard to find, but they might be hard to connect emotionally, something Maisie recognized when talking to People. “I don’t think that they’re the same people anymore, or that she’s the same person anymore. I think she’s better off on her own.”

Who knows what’ll happen — whether Maisie gets her way or not, only time will tell. A Stark reunion would definitely be interesting, but so could an independent Arya in perpetuity. We’ll definitely be tuning in to find out.


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