Maisie Williams’ tweet after last night’s “Game of Thrones” episode is beyond perfect
**Major Spoilers ahead for Season 6, Episode 8, “No One”**
We’ve watched Arya Stark transform from lost orphan to kick-ass assassin over the last two seasons, and the entire time we were left wondering whether she would ultimately abandon her past or embrace her future…
…although, we KINDA knew all along what would happen, right?!
Well, after a season spent blind, beaten, and consistently tested, we FINALLY got to see Arya kick some Waif-butt (kinda, at least, we saw the end result), and ultimately make her decision.
And this is when we all jumped up and slow clapped. Of course, we weren’t the only ones. Maisie Williams (with the amazing tags #bitchisback #stillaryafromtheblock #teamarya) solidified her mic-drop exit from the House of Black and White with a single tweet. false
Atta girl, Arya Maisie!
And because one tweet wasn’t enough awesomeness, Maisie also posted a pic of her in one of her AMAZING new Thrones shirts! false
These very cool shirts feature Maisie/Arya in a bad-ass power suit, holding Needle and a loooong list of names à la Arya’s kill list on the show. Available for two weeks only, a portion of proceeds from the shirts will go towards Dolphin Project (Maisie, as you may know, is a huge animal activist).
BRB, gotta go spend $25 STAT.