It looks like Maisie Williams will be watching the new “Game of Thrones” from this amazing Brooklyn apartment

The night may be dark and full of terrors but this Brooklyn apartment Maisie Williams is hanging out in is bright and full of fun.

The Game of Thrones star shared a video from inside an undisclosed but very amazing apartment on her Instagram page and it looks totally charming (not to mention surprisingly spacious for NYC).

Though we can’t see tons of details on the video, we see enough to know that place looks pretty nice. There’s a spacious living room for watching GoT, a nice kitchen for cooking a pre-GoT meal, and a cool couch to fall into in case something (inevitably) tragic happens on the latest GoT.

There is a mysterious flower-covered person jumping excitedly in the video who shows just how much fun hanging with Maisie can be (as if we didn’t already suspect it). And in the caption, she tags “@eros_v.” So we assume the jumping flower creature is likely her fellow actor Eros Vlahos, who played Lommy Greenhands on GoT (ICYMI, friend of Arya’s, murdered in season 2 by Polliver, but Arya got her revenge — may Lommy rest in peace.)

From the looks of it, Vlahos is doing just fine in the real world even if he’s no longer hanging out in Westeros with Arya. At least he gets to continue to hang with Maisie, in a place like NYC. The five boroughs are a lot more fun (not to mention generally safer) than the Seven Kingdoms, especially when you’ve got a sweet place like this apartment to hang out in.