Mailing messages on potatoes is the new note sending trend, so there’s that
With texting, social media, and phone calls, many may say that sending letters is a dead form of communication. However, several services have set out to re-invent the letter. . . using potatoes. Yep, potatoes.
The Daily Dot recently shed light on the fact that there’s not one, not two, but several services that exist purely to communicate via potatoes, because clearly that’s something we all needed. Honestly, if you *had* to choose a vegetable to send to your love / friend / enemy, potatoes probably are the way to go, considering that the USPS considers “perishable foods that are capable of easily decomposing or that cannot reach their destination without spoiling” to be un-mailable. So really, what better than a potato?
So with so many options out there, which service should you use to send a tater in the post? Well, it depends. There’s Potato Parcel, which allows you to send anonymous potato messages with up to 15 words each, or even put an image on a potato, because it’s 2016 and that’s important. You can even add a burlap sack to the purchase.
If you want to send a lengthier message, there’s also Anonymous Potato, which allows you to send a “regular” or a “large” potato; the large fits 140 characters, so it’s pretty much like sending a tweet in potato form.
Of course, sometimes you need to say more which means, more potatoes. Luckily, there’s Mystery Potato for that, which allows you to send an ENTIRE BOX OF POTATOES.
Then of course, maybe you want to combine your love of potatoes with your love for technology. Thankfully, there’s Text A Potato, which allows you to text a potato message.