FYI, you can watch all “The Magic School Bus” episodes on Netflix, in case you needed something to feel good about today

For those of us looking for an educational distraction, we have good news. All episodes of “The Magic School Bus” are available to stream on Netflix! So if you’re looking for something fun to remind you of your childhood, you can binge away with the classic cartoon.

And in even greater news, there will be a Netflix-created “Magic School Bus” revival!

While we don’t know if our beloved Lily Tomlin will reprise her role as wacky teacher Ms. Frizzle, but at least some of the student voice actors from the ’90s series will be involved. And there will be no shortage of actors interested in the project. After all, who doesn’t want to take a ride on the magic school bus?!

While the magic school bus was capable or shrinking or changing to fit anywhere at anytime, the new bus is nonetheless getting an upgrade. According to the New York Times in 2014, the update will feature an updated bus and newer scientific tools for the students to use – tools like robots. (Now that’s a school we’d like to attend!) Unlike the ’90s version of The Magic School Bus, the revival will feature computer-generated animation.

Of course, it’ll still contain the same lessons that made the show beloved by fans and educators alike. Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarantos declared the revival “even more relevant and entertaining for today’s kids.” Relevant for kids? What about us adults? It sounds right up our alley, too.

So before this revival finally comes out, make sure you take some time to enjoy every moment of the classic show on Netflix today!

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