Britney Spears’ Mom Slammed Jamie Spears’ Capabilities as a Conservator

She says Britney's relationship with her dad has "dwindled to nothing but fear and hatred."

As Britney Spears’ conservatorship battle continues, her mom, Lynne Spears, is weighing in. In new court filings that have been obtained by Entertainment Tonight, Lynne issued a statement about ex-husband Jamie Spears and what she knows of his relationship to their daughter as her conservator, and it sounds like she’s in full agreement with Britney that their legal arrangement needs to come to an end.

Britney Spears and Lynne Spears

In the documents, Lynne said that she became involved in Britney’s conservatorship in 2019 at a time of crisis, which she believes is still going on today, since she doesn’t think things are being handled in the best interests of my daughter.

Lynne continued to say that at the time, she was concerned that Jamie had hired a “sports enhancement doctor” to treat Britney, and he prescribed “what I and many others thought to be entirely inappropriate medicine to my daughter, who did not want to take the medicine.”

She went on to accuse the doctor of forcing Britney to enter a medical facility against her will, as Jamie “exercised absolutely microscopic control” over their daughter and asked those working for her to report back to him on every detail of her life, putting her under strict surveillance.

“Since this conservatorship has been in place, the relationship between the conservatee and Mr. Spears has dwindled to nothing but fear and hatred,” Lynne said, adding that Jamie’s behavior includes “his complete control over her, his mistrust of her, his coercion of her, his ‘bartering’ with her over what she can and cannot do for whatever reward or punishment he is willing to mete out.”

Lynne’s statement comes the same week that Britney’s new attorney, Mathew Rosengart, filed to replace Jamie with Jason Rubin, a CPA who has experience in handling financial situations like Britney’s, before he moves to end her conservatorship altogether.

Britney is due to appear in court to find out what the judge’s decision on replacing Jamie will be in September, so hopefully, she’ll get good news soon enough. Though she seems to be frustrated with her family as a whole, maybe Lynne’s statement will help back up her claims that Jamie has been damaging to her as her conservator.

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