We need to talk about our new badass hero on “Game of Thrones,” Lyanna Mormont
**Spoilers ahead for Season 6, Episode 7, “The Broken Man”**
Last night, we were blessed with an introduction to the latest (and maybe best) Game of Thrones hero yet, the 10-year-old ruler of Bear Island, Lyanna Mormont (cousin of Daenerys’ Jorah Mormont, FYI).
First, there was her ??? response to Sansa, who said she was named after her own Aunt, Lyanna Stark, “[she] was a great beauty, I’m sure you will be too.”
Then, we joyfully watched her burn Jon after his fruitless attempt at charming her…
Basically, Lyanna Mormont had the best responses to everyone, everytime, and fans were looooving it.
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