There’s a full moon AND a lunar eclipse this week—here’s how they’ll affect your zodiac sign

This week is pretty intense as we experience the second eclipse of the summer—a partial lunar eclipse this time—and a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 16th. To recap our current astro weather, we have several retrogrades going on, the most infamous one being Mercury Retrograde. We’re also in Cancer season, which means emotions are heightened, and we’re extra touchy-feely. Not to mention, we just went through a solar eclipse in Cancer.

Eclipses are power-packed and radiate energy for over a year. This upcoming partial lunar eclipse is even more powerful, in that it occurs at a conjunction of Pluto, the lord of the underworld, compulsions, obsessions, and everything we prefer to keep hidden under the rug.

A lot of anxious and obsessive energy might be on the agenda for the next few days, so don’t beat yourself up if you feel particularly sensitive or frantic. It’s all on the Moon, and it won’t last long; it’s the trigger for a collective emotional change and healing. If you have been waiting on a change in your emotional patterns to pursue an ideal, a relationship, a new direction, or a new value system, then this is your time.

It’s happening! Let’s see how the lunar eclipse and the Full Moon in Capricorn affect everyone by sun sign. Don’t forget to check your rising sign, too.


This eclipse is triggering significant changes in your career. You could also find yourself in the mist of a significant change in your family. Ask yourself: What do I want to be known for? What kind of contribution do I want to make to society?


Major career moves are coming up. If you’ve been waiting on a more public position in your job, now is the time your ambitions are taking shape in your mind, so that you can manifest them later on in the physical world.


This eclipse is triggering a major awakening to all the ways you’ve been limiting yourself, which will in turn trigger massive changes in your income and overall relationship to money, including how you spend it.


Something has to give Cancer. The eclipse is triggering major changes in the way you relate to others. There might be some healing in regards to dependency and attachments in relationships. You’re called to take your independence.


Are you exhausting yourself? The eclipse falls in your house of health and warns against any imbalances and excesses that would be taxing on your body. It’s a powerful energy asking that you retrieve your balance and health through disciplined routines.


Love is showing up at your door, whether it’s internal or through a romantic encounter. Do be careful not to fall into dramatic and attention-seeking patterns; make sure that you validate yourself more than you seek validation from others, and you might have a romantic encounter.


Powerful emotional releases are at play for you, Libra. As much as you like being social and out and about, this eclipse is highlighting the importance of watering your own garden before you step out of the house. It’s a time of deep introspection for you: What are your roots? How do you ground yourself? How do you nurture yourself?


It’s all about how you say it, Scorpio. This eclipse is putting a great focus on communication and the need to release any negative patterns in the way you think or express yourself; an intellectual purge, we shall call it. You know what they say: Your life is as healthy as your mind.


A call to be stable, Sagittarius! This eclipse is offering a deep change in the way you value yourself and in the way you support yourself. Both your self-worth and your financial abundance are in for a major change; you’re offered to rebuild your foundations with much more stability and solidity.


This is a time to redefine yourself and reassert your goals and desires. Major changes in your relationships are going to occur simply because you’re at a time of empowerment, leading to far-reaching changes in your personality and expectations.


Secrets are coming out, possibly because you kept some or simply because elements in your subconscious are being revealed to you. It’s a time of powerful healing of the mind and of spiritual elevation, which might mean that some situations in your life have to change and follow this newfound direction.


A powerful shift in your friendships is ahead. You might find yourself in the midst of profound changes in your work—especially if you work online or in publishing. Now is the time to manifest a great leap forward and extend your network.

For more astrology from me, check out my website.

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