There’s finally a picture of Luke from the new “Gilmore Girls” set and he looks EXACTLY. THE. SAME.

We’ve been gearing up for the Gilmore Girls revival for a while, and recently we got pretty excited over these winter wonderland behind-the-scenes photos. But nothing could compare to all the good vibes we’re getting from this set pic of our beloved Luke Danes (played by our beloved Scott Patterson). It’s like ten years later, and he’s still wearing that backwards blue baseball cap and flannel shirt/t-shirt uniform amazing combo!

Series creator Amy Sherman-Palladino seems to be under the impression that her furry hat offers some competition to his faded cap, but hello: NOSTALGIA people.

The photo looks like it’s in front of Luke diner, and at the top you can see little Christmas lights — so maybe that’s a clue that it was taken during the wintery premiere episode. Hopefully that cap warmed up his head, or maybe it’s a clue to tell fans that Luke still loves Lorelei (we love clues apparently) and that they’re still together! Hey, is that Lorelai in the diner, in the corner of the photo? Ahh!

Anyway, if you remember, and we know you do, Luke was always wearing that hat around Lorelai. He might have briefly taken it off for Liz and TJ’s wedding, but it usually made an appearance everywhere he went. So we’re glad it’s making a comeback along with Luke’s handsome-yet-scruffy wardrobe.

It’s official: The best things in life never ever change. PHEW.

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