Demi Lovato just dropped some major truth about body image

Demi Lovato is one of our favorite champions of positive body image (as well as a part-time hair unicorn). Though it’s definitely not the first time she has spoken publicly about self-esteem or society’s crazy expectations for “perfection,” Demi hit on some really important truths in her recent interview with The Kit. The magazine asked her a bunch of seriously personal questions, and her answers are incredibly inspiring — and surprisingly real.

When the interviewer brought up the pop star’s longtime struggle with eating disorders, Demi did not pretend like loving yourself is easy. “I take it one day at a time,” she said, sharing that she eats from a meal plan and works with a trainer so she doesn’t brood over her weight. “And I exercise to feel good.” Working out to shed negativity rather than shed pounds is not only smart, it’s healthy. It’s great to hear that a celebrity is working with a team to maintain mental and physical well-being.

Demi also spoke about her Twitter and Instagram campaign #NoMakeUpMonday, where she encourages women to post bare-faced photos of themselves. “As women, we’ve grown up thinking that we have to wear makeup and that’s not true,” she said. “If girls can go one day out of the week without wearing makeup, I think that’s really empowering.” Absolutely! This hashtag serves as a lovely reminder that beauty comes from the inside, not from a tube or powder. We love Demi even more for actually participating in the hashtag; she’s posted multiple pictures of herself looking freckled and fabulous with no makeup.

Demi also addressed other photos she’s posted to Instagram, where she’s made a point to show that she doesn’t have a thigh gap. “For people that naturally have [a thigh gap], that’s totally fine and they’re beautiful, but I don’t, and I just wanted to show people that you can look beautiful without having one,” she shared. Heck. Yes. There are many different kinds of beautiful, and thigh gaps are only one version.

Demi also said that she understands why some celebrities allegedly use apps to make themselves look thinner in photos:

It takes courage for someone to stay true to themselves. Oh! We are right there with you, Demi. It’s refreshing to be reminded that confidence does not always come easily and that we have to stay conscious of how we treat ourselves. Plus, how cool is it that Demi doesn’t hate on her fellow celebs for altering their photos?

She is one classy lady.

(Image via here.)

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