Let’s process the Comey testimony together through some of the best tweets, shall we?

What a day! At 10 a.m. EST, former FBI director James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about President Trump and the FBI Russia investigation, and it was a doozy. Comey returned to the Senate Chambers as a private citizen, having been fired from his position as FBI director by President Donald Trump in early May. The public hearing lasted almost three hours, before moving into a closed hearing at 1 p.m. EST.

The former FBI director came prepared to play hardball, revealing that he created memos after every meeting he had with Trump, fearing that the sitting president would lie about their meetings. Comey also told the committee that during their few meetings, Trump repeatedly inquired about him continuing his role as FBI director and that — like Dominic Toretto — Trump loved talking about loyalty.

The hearing may as well have been game seven of the NBA finals because EVERYBODY was watching. Naturally, Twitter came. Twitter saw. Twitter conquered.

Here are just a few of our favorite tweets from the Comey hearing:

false false


false false


Now, you may take a nap… until the next round of breaking news.

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