Oh, no. This receipt has us shaking our heads
Sadly, we hear stories all too often about servers being snubbed on tips, despite how hard they work to accommodate their customers. But earlier this month, Jess Jones, a waitress working at the D’Jais Bar & Grill, experienced something beyond snubbing. And it’s leaving us shaking our heads.
On August 17, Jess was waiting on a large party. Though she explained to them that the kitchen was running slower than normal, she received a note on the $112.03 bill that was just plain cruel. They didn’t just stiff her — they actually wrote “LOL” in the tip section of the receipt, with a note next to it saying, “1 hour for food.” Jess took to Facebook the next day to post a picture of the receipt and explain why this isn’t OK.
“Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people,” she wrote. “I would have preferred a ‘$0’ tip than a ‘LOL’ tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job.”
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