NBD or anything, but the ‘Lizzie McGuire’ creator just got a new Disney show

If you went to middle school any time during the early 2000s, there’s a good chance Lizzie McGuire had a big impact on your life. Maybe it made you want to style your hair in lots of crazy mini-buns. Maybe it made you want to run away to Rome and meet a cute boy on a Vespa. Maybe it made you feel OK about asking your mom for a real, grownup bra, even though it was still a painfully awkward conversation. Maybe all of these things just apply to me (but I’m really guessing that they don’t).

If Lizzie McGuire touched your life in a big way, you’ll probably be happy to learn that it’s kind of, sort of coming back to the air — in spirit, anyway. Lizzie‘s awesome creator, Terri Minski, is heading back to the Disney Channel with a brand-new show (production is set to start early next year). No, it doesn’t follow the now all-grown-up exploits of Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda (come back, Miranda!), but it sounds like it will tackle the same very real, grounded adolescent issues, just through the eyes of a new tween: Andi Marcus.

Lizzie’s full-length pop-tastic Roman adventure notwithstanding, Lizzie McGuire was a really grounded story. Later, Disney would spiral into a string of aspirational and supernatural series (which were a lot of fun — credit where credit’s due, Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place), but as fun as all of those characters’ adventures were, they never really felt like adventures we could also have and relate to. Lizzie, on the other hand? She wasn’t struggling with maintaining a secret identity or mastering magic spells; she was much more concerned with things like surviving picture day.

Minsky’s new project is still untitled, but here’s what we know so far: 

1.) It will star adorable young actress Peyton Elizabeth Lee. Here’s a picture of Peyton being awesome in a Sprint commercial. She’s the spunky brunette with the pixie cut on the right:

2.) We meet Andi (that’s Peyton’s character) just as she’s celebrating her 13th birthday and trying to get her mom to treat her like a little more of a grownup.

3.) The problem is that Andi’s big sister, Bex, was something of a problem child (we’re talking drop-out-of-high-school-and-leave-home problems), so Andi’s mom is very hesitant to loosen the reins.

4.) Bex the Problem Child is now in her late 20s and returning home to get her life together, so that’s going to be really interesting.

5.) We don’t care if we’re “too old” to watch Disney Channel, we’ll most definitely be tuning in.

Basically, this show sounds amazing and we can’t wait to meet Andi and get inside her head (even if we don’t have an animated tour guide this time around).

(Images via Disney Channel and Sprint.)

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