Lisa Kudrow’s new movie has a weird ‘Friends’ connection
It’s true: good friends stay with you forever. Especially for Lisa Kudrow, who played Phoebe in the iconic ten-season series, and now is in a new movie with some serious deja vu. The movie is the heavily anticipated adaptation of The Girl On The Train, in which Phoebe will be playing—wait for it—Monica.
For those not familiar with the thrilling book, Girl On The Train details the complicated story of, um, Rachel, played by Emily Blunt in the upcoming film, an alcoholic obsessed with her ex-husband and the mistress he left her for. Every day, she takes the same train, and every day, she sees the same woman from the window. When Rachel learns of this woman’s murder, the two stories come together in a heart-pounding and crazy way.
Monica, Kudrow’s character, is the former co-worker of Rachel’s ex-husband, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Rachel’s ex-husband will be played by Justin Theroux, the real-life husband of Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel on Friends, a different Rachel from the Rachel in this movie and oh my gosh my head hurts.
Clearly, Kudrow will never be able to escape the world of Ross, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey and Chandler, but why would you want to? Little instances like this are what make that friendship so special, and what make us super excited for this upcoming movie, set to come out in 2016. Is there a coffee shop in this movie? Because I think I have a good name for it…
(Image via NBC)