Someone made a skirt out of Lisa Frank stickers and we must own it
While the flawlessly trippy and unbelievably colorful world of Lisa Frank was once limited to our elementary school binders, we can now wear our worshiped ’90s polar bears and unicorns on legitimate articles of clothing — and we are eternally grateful.
Lisa Frank’s clothing line was released last month, and their crop tops, leggings, and sweatshirts are the stuff of playground dreams.
Lisa Frank tops should only be worn with Lisa Frank bottoms. #protip
Sensible footwear <3
But any true cool girl still has an unending stash of Lisa Frank stickers left over from her youth.
Raise your hand if you also have hundreds of unused stickers because deciding where to put one of those prized images induced a lot of anxiety in the fifth grade.
Well listen up DIY divas, because we now know exactly where those Lisa Frank stickers belong.
Today on Instagram, Lisa Frank shared a skirt made from Lisa Frank stickers. It was created by fashion design student, Mattison Conditt, and we are #awestruck.
Also — as if that skirt wasn’t enough — shout out to her fuzzy sweater, neon bracelets, and Lisa Frank medallion.