The Lisa Frank movie is happening and our ’90s loving hearts can’t take it!

Ladies, listen up. Hollywood has apparently been reading HelloGiggles, because someone is finally making a Lisa Frank movie! WHAT!

If you grew up in the mid ’80s and ’90s in the U.S., odds are you are very familiar with Lisa Frank. Remember all of the adorable and bright school supplies? Lunch boxes with unicorns, folders with rainbows, stickers with little arctic animals, and trapper keepers with butterflies and hearts were all over our schools.

From the Hollywood Reporter, the film will be a “live-action/animation hybrid.” Interesting.

While there aren’t any concrete details about characters or plot just yet, producer John Shestack told THR that the film’s vibe would mirror that of the brand:

“Lisa Frank’s world is cheerful, it’s optimistic, it’s hip, but it is without snark. It’s just sort of impossible to scowl when you’re smiling, and why would you want to? I’m so stoked to be part of this.

We love it! We can’t wait to feel the nostalgia.

Like, remember this?

And this:

And this:


We have so many questions though like, is this a kid’s movie? Or like, something for 28-year-olds who grew up loving Lisa Frank? Our gut is saying it’s going to be like The Emoji Movie, but who knows.

The film is still in the development phase, so there’s no word on when we might see it. But we’re pretty happy it’s happening.

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