Leslie Jones watching the New York Knicks is all of us

We have all the heart eyes for Leslie Jones, but by far our favorite thing about the icon is how much enthusiasm she embodies. Like, seriously, we’ve never seen anyone happier about anything than Leslie Jones watching the New York Knicks, other than, well, Leslie Jones watching the Olympics. TBH, we know in our hearts that if we ever attended an event alongside Leslie, we’d spend more time watching her reactions to the event than the actual event. Leslie Jones watching the New York Knicks is an emotional roller coaster, and we love, love, love it.

She’s passionate AF, and we couldn’t love her more. Plus, her cheering must have worked, because they won the game, proving the power of dedication.

Leslie Jones tweeted about what an amazing time she had watching the game, and her happiness just makes *us* so warm and cozy inside.

Leslie Jones watching the New York Knicks is everything and more!

She wrote,

"Man I had fun last night!!! @nyknicks"

And did she ever. She seriously has the most hilarious reactions. When things are going right, she has the biggest smile we’ve ever seen, and when things are going wrong, her frustration is all too real. Leslie Jones watching the New York Knicks is an event in and of itself. Honestly, all we want to do is have a friend like Leslie Jones. Every day would be such an adventure.

Too, she encourages us to be our most authentic selves 24/7 and to never hold back when it comes to our own emotions. It’s a pretty darn good feeling.