This woman made a dress for Pride based on a Leslie Jones tweet, and it’s genius

Leslie Jones has gifted us with many great things. Her appearances on Saturday Night Live have given us countless laughs and her role as funny gal Patty in Ghostbusters can only be accurately expressed with the praise hand emoji. Her work is inspired, and a recent photo of a woman wearing one of Leslie’s tweets as a dress is proving the comedian is capable of inspiring works of art and fashion as well.

Over the weekend, Twitter user @HeyKaylaBeth attended Pride and sported a smart dress that she made on her own with one of Leslie’s GOAT tweets. false

The dress is made from hundreds of copies of a singular tweet Leslie sent out last year when a Twitter user trolled her SNL co-star Kate McKinnon.


The tweet that started it all has since been removed, but Leslie’s tweet has reigned over Twitter ever since and it has basically been turned into the ultimate battle cry for lesbian women receiving unwanted attention from men.

Kayla thought so too. In fact, she thought the tweet was powerful/funny enough to print in cloth and turn into a dress to wear at Pride.


How much do you wanna bet we’ll probably be seeing more of Leslie’s tweets on the runway come fashion week? Fingers crossed.

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