Lena Dunham perfectly schooled Perez Hilton after she was fashion shamed on the red carpet

After attending the Human Rights Campaign gala, Lena Dunham was fashioned shamed by Perez Hilton, and, while she TOTALLY shouldn’t have to do this, she had the perfect response.
We know that we can look to Lena Dunham whenever we need advice for something. The star and writer of Girls, which is currently in its sixth and final season, has previously opened up about her decisions to incorporate an ambiguous sexual assault storyline in the show, and has stood up in defence of the women who voted for Donald Trump. What’s more, her honesty and candid nature has inspired us, whether it’s to do with body shaming or opening up about her experiences as a woman in the entertainment industry.
Well, now Lena Dunham has perfectly schooled Perez Hilton after he fashion shamed her on the red carpet.
Sharing a picture of Dunham on the red carpet at the Human Rights Campaign gala, Perez Hilton’s fashion vertical, Coco Perez, seemed to take a dig at the Girls star and her outfit choice (what he was complaining about, however, we have no idea).
“Nice to see her trying!” the caption of the picture read.
After being tagged in the picture by Coco Perez, Lena Dunham wrote an incredible reply about all the other things she “trys” at.
"I try at a lot of things. Mostly I try at being a writer, director, actor, activist, friend, sibling, partner, godmother," she wrote. "Fashion is fun but sometimes I'd rather not spend 3 hours and lots of cash I could give to charity or spend on books and food to get ready to go out. "There's a lotta different ways to be a public figure and I think there's room for us to occasionally show up in public like normal people do. When I look at that picture you subjected to "caption this" criticism, I see a day well-spent writing, reading, having tea with a friend. It's unfortunate that the days you approve of most are the ones where I'm spending the least time on what really matters. "With love, Lena"
Coco Perez later screen shotted Dunham’s comment, sharing them on Instagram.
Tbh, we totally love what Lena Dunham has to say. Like Chrissy Metz’s comments about being on worst dressed lists, Dunham points out that fashion is fun, and that there are also other things that one can spend their time on rather than just their appearance.
Perhaps let’s just stop making negative comments about people’s appearances altogether…