This makeup artist’s Halloween looks are so insane, you have to see them to believe them

One of the best things about Halloween is getting to go HAM on the makeup if your costume requires it, or if you just want to wear a look you don’t get to everyday! And while there are a lot of impressive tutorials floating around on the internet, Vancouver-based makeup artist Leigh Dickson has some of the most INSANELY COOL tutorials we’ve ever seen!
How incredible is her version of Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas?
Her special effects makeup game is A+!
Side note: her pumpkin patch game is also A+.
Whatever this mystical-unicorn-looking creature is, we want to be it. SO COOL!
It doesn't matter what she creates, she's flawless in literally everything.
Scary has never been so sexy!
Like, how is this even possible?! The detail is incredible!
Okay, yep -- she's officially the best Halloween makeup artist out there.
BONUS: The tutorial everyone needs for a killer Eleven costume.