This reporter gave her “Legally Blonde” dissertation to Reese Witherspoon — and obviously, it was scented

Sometimes, dreams really do come true. And that’s something that a certain young reporter just learned. The Bauer Media reporter, Lucy Ford, gave her university dissertation about Legally Blonde to Reese Witherspoon, Elle Woods herself, and she can basically retire now.

OK, maybe not retire, but at least she can rest happy now, knowing that Witherspoon has her dissertation, and can read it if she so chooses. Considering how much of an avid reader Witherspoon is, it wouldn’t be surprising if she finished it already. We’ll be keeping an eye out for any and all thoughts from Witherspoon in the meantime…

Ford spoke with Witherspoon, along with her Wrinkle in Time costars Mindy Kaling and Oprah Winfrey. And that alone was enough to make Ford nervous. As if it isn’t intimidating enough to be in a room with one of these women — let alone all three. They are all heroes of mine,” she told BBC.

But Ford worked up the courage to explain to Witherspoon that she had actually written about 15,000 words on Legally Blonde, and even gave her a copy.

Witherspoon’s response? It was perfectly lovely, of course. “Thank you — that really touches my heart,” she said.

Ford told BBC that she had “been wanting to interview Reese for a long time and finally the opportunity came up. I floated the idea of showing my dissertation to her in my production meeting as a joke. But my editor thought it would be a nice thing to do.” You can say that again!

While we’re sure that after reading the Legally Blonde dissertation, Witherspoon will have a lot more questions, her first one was so on point. “I have one question about this,” she said, and then gave us the Elle Woods shout-out of our dreams. “Is it scented?”

Obviously, it was.

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