Lea Michele spent an entire basketball game watching Beyoncé, is all of us

If any of us went to a basketball game and found out that Beyoncé was sitting in front of us, we’d be a bit distracted. Same goes for Lea Michele, who told James Corden on The Late Late Show Wednesday night that when she went to a LA Clippers game, she ended up only watching Beyoncé and Jay-Z, who were sitting a few rows ahead.

She documented this night on her Instagram, where you can see the power couple in the background:

“I don’t really geek out over people but there’s just something that comes over you, at least with me, when you see Beyoncé,” she explained. I think we can confidently say that it’s not just her. Lea did what any of us would have done were we lucky enough to be in that situation.

“I found myself being like, ‘They ordered a vodka soda…they’re drinking it…they just took another sip…and she put on her glasses, and now she took off her glasses,’” she continued.

While the people around her were apparently weirded out, we get it. In fact, Lea Michele, just FYI, if we ever find ourselves at a basketball game with you, we’d totally do the same thing.

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