10 ways to have an amazing New Year’s Eve party if you’re lazy and not sorry

Here’s the thing. Throwing a super fabulous holiday party is one of the best feelings ever. You get to look and feel cooler than usual, everybody comes to you instead of making you trudge outside into the cold. The problem is, throwing a successful party is a lot of work. And we know some of you enjoy organizing events (what’s wrong with you and how do we catch it), but realistically, most of us are pretty lazy. Which makes the upcoming NYE a little stressful — but don’t worry, fam, we’ve got you.
If you’re thinking of throwing a New Year’s Eve bash but don’t want to lose out on important post-Christmas party recovery time, we’ve got ten quick ways to throw a dank party while barely leaving your couch.
1. Have champagne for the midnight toast so you seem like you’re on top of your game, but tell your friends it’s BYOB otherwise.
That way, you’re providing booze which seems magnanimous and classy, but also you don’t have to provide that much. Bonus points if you coat your bottles of champagne in glitter.
2. Stop by a dollar store for all your decorating needs.
If you’re lucky, you can find a dollar store in the same shopping center as you can buy champagne. Two birds, one stone. Since NYE decorations are a bit kitschy by nature, nobody’s going to blame you for stringing up some tacky but shiny, delightful, and spirited banners.
3. One word: potluck.
That’s right. Your friends will bring the food for you, and it’ll look like you tried. Ah-mazing.
4. Add all your friends to a playlist on Spotify so they can help you put together the playlist.
The best party-throwing secret you may not have realized yet — you can invite friends to your playlists on Spotify. If they save the Playlist as their own, then they too can add and remove songs. That way, there’s no pressure that people won’t like your music because you’ll have a variety AND the playlist will definitely last longer, as repeating music too often is a serious faux pas.
5. If you have the space, give guests permission to invite friends on Facebook so you don’t have to worry about meeting your #squadgoals.
Invite your core group, and make sure they know to bring friends. You’ll get a nice variety of familiar faces and new friends, and it’ll keep things interesting. Just make sure things don’t get too out of hand. Plus, if there’s a variety of people coming, you’ve got a little cover to invite that guy from your office you’ve been scoping out, but are too nervous to full-on invite.
6. Disposable cups, plates, and utensils will save. your. life.
Maybe the worst part of throwing a party is cleaning it up the next day when all your friends have gone home. Play into both your clever and lazy sides by getting some kitschy paper or plastic plates, cups, napkins, and utensils while you’re getting decorations at the dollar store and be both festive AND make it super easy for yourself to sweep everything into the trash or recycling in 2017.
7. Rely on your guests to document the party for social media posterity.
Admit it: you want the perfect Instagram pic to show people what a rad party you threw. So, if you have a camera, pass it around throughout the night — you’ll get a bunch of different perspectives, and pictures you wouldn’t have thought to take on your own…plus it means (a) that you’ll actually be IN a few of them and (b) you don’t have to worry about taking pictures. Just dump them onto your computer the next day and share them with your friends.
8. Fairy lights, ya’ll. They make everything better.
9. Have a simple theme to make your party look INSTANTLY classy.
Something like black and gold, or black and silver, or literally black and any color — that way, even if you want to just slip into your go-to LBD, you’ll be super on point. Plus, imagine how amazing your soiree pics will look if everybody is coordinated. TOO good.
10. Take a deep breath — this requires a little bit of effort, but only a little, and it’ll REALLY kick it up a notch. Drape some streamers and garlands and fairly lights over a bare wall, toss a few party hats and noisemakers on an end table, and BAM. Photobooth.
If Taylor Swift does it, it can’t be wrong.