This lavender cloud putty will help you massage away your stress
If one of your goals for the new year is to be more crafty, this DIY Cloud Putty might be just the right place to start. It takes less than 15 minutes to make, and you may have most of the ingredients already. Plus, the end result is fun to play with and gives off the most soothing lavender aroma.
Perfect for relaxation and lowering stress, this lavender putty is like an aromatherapy stress ball. Keep it at your desk and give it a squeeze whenever you feel your anxiety level rise. Watch the video below for further instructions, or just to zen out for a moment. Either way, we hope you’ll feel a bit more at ease.
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DIY Lavender Cloud Putty
1 cup cornstarch
1 cup flour
1 cup conditioner (coconut or other soft scent)
Purple food coloring (10-20 drops)
1/2 tsp. lavender essential oil
1. Add cornstarch, flour, conditioner, and food coloring to a bowl. Stir until combined. Add more food coloring until the desired color is achieved.
2. Add lavender essential oil and stir.