Uh oh, Lauren Graham isn’t so sure there should be more “Gilmore Girls”

If we could do it ourselves, we’d bring Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life back for more episodes on Netflix. Unfortunately, we can’t do it ourselves, and we need not only the help of Netflix, but also the whole cast and crew of Stars Hollow. While there’s been lots of back and forth as to whether there will be more episodes (and if they’re should be more episodes) it sounds like right now, Lauren Graham is leaning into the latter category.
Read: She’s feels like more Gilmore Girls might be too much of a good thing.
"I don’t know if there is a need to do more," Graham explained at Deadline’s The Contenders Emmys panel Sunday morning in Los Angeles. "I would never want it to feel like we overstayed our welcome...There’s probably a way to keep [the Gilmore Girls] characters alive but I don’t know if that’s the best thing for them.
Oomphf. That hurts our heart in all the wrong places.
However, just because Graham isn’t sure that there should be more, she’s not going to turn it down if offered.
"If it all existed in a vacuum I would play [Lorelai Gilmore] until my dying day, Graham continued. “I love [Amy Sherman-Palladino’s] writing; from the moment I read the pilot, I felt so connected to [her] voice as a writer. It was so invigorating and fulfilling to do that work. In terms of an actor, I would never tire of that."
Graham also told the audience that Netflix hasn’t approached her about doing Season 2, and COME ON, NETFLIX. But, wavering once again, she’s still not so sure about it, because she knows how important and beloved Rory and Lorelai are to us.
"Now it has become a dialogue with the fans of the show...It has become, ‘What can we do that is satisfying, and worth continuing, and gratifying to the people who care so much about it.’"
If there’s anyone who can figure out how to continue on the story, it’s Graham, ASP, and Netflix. We’ll continue to sit right here, and wait very patiently, for more Gilmore Girls.