Laura Prepon and Ben Foster just revealed the sex of their baby

With only a month left until her due date, Laura Prepon let us in on the biggest secret of her entire pregnancy. During her appearance on LIVE With Kelly and Ryan, Prepon revealed the sex of her and Ben Foster”s baby.
Drumroll please! It’s a — girl!
Prepon told the hosts, "It’s kind of weird, 'cause it sneaks up on you where you’re like, 'I can't believe it's been eight months already. But then you’re like, 'Oh my God, she needs to like come out already.'"
Back in January, we learned Prepon and Foster were expecting, only a few months after the two were engaged. Time flies when you’re having a baby, we guess!
The Orange is the New Black star also revealed to Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacreast that she enjoyed every bit of her pregnancy.
"It's so wonderful. It's such a blessing. She likes it here — she's already kicking!"
Prepon said that she’s had a routine pregnancy, meaning that she’s experienced some serious cravings. She told Ripa and Seacrest that her biggest craving has been for something she hadn’t eaten in years.
“Growing up, my father would take us to this deli and we would get pastrami sandwiches on rye, and we would drink Dr. Brown’s black cherry soda,” Prepon said. “And what’s so funny is I haven’t eaten that stuff in years, and since I’ve been pregnant, I’ve been craving this Jewish deli food, with like the pickles and the sauerkraut and the mustard. So we tend to kind of delve into that.”
We cannot wait to be introduced to little baby Prepon-Foster! With parents as cool as hers, we have no doubt she’ll end up being one badass female!