This is not a Jedi mind trick — that really is Justin Theroux in “The Last Jedi”

If a new Star Wars movie doesn’t include a celebrity cameo (or multiple celebrity cameos), did it even happen at all? Right now, that’s not really a concern because Star Wars: The Last Jedi *does* feature celebrity cameos — following in the footsteps of Daniel Craig in The Force Awakens.
Some cameos had been rumored and discussed at length, long before the film hit theaters. LOOKING AT YOU PRINCES WILLIAM AND HARRY. (AND TOM HARDY AND GARY BARLOW.) Others, meanwhile, flew under the radar.
The actor was rumored to appear in the movie, and now we have official confirmation that he plays a gambler who appears in Canto Bight. But he’s so much more than that: Maz Kanata directs Finn and Rose to him because he’s ALSO the Master Codebreaker who, she says, is really the only one skilled enough to help them get through the First Order’s defenses to, you know, save the galaxy.
He’s actually the one who brings Finn and Rose to Canto Bight in the first place. Their plan is to convince him to help them sneak into enemy territory, but that goes completely awry. Before havoc is completely wreaked, we do get a glimpse at Justin Theroux in a Star Wars movie. I repeat, JUSTIN THEROUX IN A STAR WARS MOVIE. It’s absolutely glorious.
Let’s put it this way: Is there a way to include him in Episode IX? Because we really wouldn’t hate it.
Of course, there are even more celeb cameos in the film: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Warwick Davis, Gareth Edwards, and Noah Segan apparently make appearances as well. If I’m completely honest, I didn’t see them with my own eyes — maybe I was distracted thinking about that #SHIRTLESSKYLO scene but, like, who wasn’t? — but so says the internet. And hey, that’s what multiple viewings are for, to catch all the details.
EXACTLY, so we will be watching over and over again for those hidden details — and also to see Justin Theroux in The Last Jedi all over again.