Hey everyone, we have to talk about the fact that Finn is low key wearing Poe’s *exact outfit* for “Last Jedi”

The greatest love story to come out of Force Awakens is Poe Dameron + BB-8. Come on, it’s a beautiful story of boy meets droid, and it’s one we can fully get behind! The second greatest love story of Force Awakens is between Kylo Ren and his thirst for his long-gone grandfather’s approval, and while it’s a little bit of a weird situation, we’re fine with it (for now).

And now, the third greatest love story is between that of Poe and FN-2187 Finn, and it appears as if this will be the romance we see in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Because there is literally no denying that Finn is 1,000% wearing Poe’s clothes.

A few months ago, the first ~official~ look at Last Jedi came in the form of some upcoming toys. From the the tiny sliver we saw if Finn, he appeared to still be wearing Poe’s jacket. You know, the one that Finn found in the TIE-fighter wereckage, and Finn kept it, because it suited him.


Now, thanks to some brand new, beautiful images in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair, it is apparent that not only is Finn still wearing Poe’s jacket, but he is also wearing Poe’s shirt, and Poe’s belt, and possibly Poe’s pants. This is a lot to process. The internet — AS YOU CAN IMAGINE — has lots of feelings about this. (And on top of this, it sure looks like Poe is wearing Han’s iconic jacket.)




This very special issue of Vanity Fair will hit newsstands next week in Los Angeles and New York City, and everywhere else the following week. We’re excited to see if there are any more shipper-heavy images of our favorite internet boyfriends.

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