The last two ‘Divergent’ movies are changing from the books in a big way

Adapting books into movies can be tricky business. More often than not, loyal book readers are hoping for a film that is word-for-word what was printed, but sometimes, to make a good film a director must take his or her own path, even with something as simple as the title. That’s what’s happening with the Divergent series.

We already knew that directors were splitting the final installment of the Veronica Roth series Harry-Potter-style (and Twilight-style and Hunger Games-style — splitting the final book of a series is a big trend now), but they’re also making a big unexpected adjustment. Instead of going by The Divergent Series: Allegiant – Part 1 and 2, the last two films are instead going to be titled The Divergent Series: Allegiant and The Divergent Series: Ascendant. For die-hard fans, straying from the original title and creating something entirely new might make them queasy for what’s to come, but don’t worry. As of now, all the content in the films still adheres strictly to the books.

Roth took to her Tumblr to talk through this change, as well as to soothe the worries of some panicked fans:

Alright, Ms. Roth. We trust you. What’s good enough for Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort is good enough for us!

(Image via Debby Wong /

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