The reason this girl left her “social media persona” behind is blowing us away

Most of us are pretty active on social media, though maybe not with the same intensity that Larissa May, (aka @livinlikelarz) used to be. May recently shared her experience in an essay for Motto, revealing why she made the bold decision to leave her social media persona behind.
“My Instagram feed screamed “superwoman!” — student at a top tier university, blogger, entrepreneur, sister, etc… In reality, I was barely holding it together.”
She had even launched a legitimate career covering major events like New York Fashion Week, but on the inside and in her real life, May was “consumed by social media guilt.”
“I hid behind my carefree [Instagram] captions failing to share the truth behind my overwhelming anxiety, sleep deprivation, physical pain and feeling of inadequacy. I wasn’t living my dream at all, I was telling #halfthestory.”
That’s when May launched her platform, @halfthestory. “[It’s] a place to leave social personas behind and create a community of supportive dialogue around who we really are when we’re not crafting ourselves for perfection.” Basically, a place to tell the stories we don’t usually tell.
And people are taking notice.
According to their website, @halfthestory is, “a celebration of individuality, intellect, and passion. Unlike other social movements, we aim to shed light on hidden human talents, ideas, or beliefs that connect us on a deeper level in addition to the struggles that we face.”
Needless to say, we’re pretty blown away by Larissa May.