Lady Gaga didn’t actually jump from the roof at the Super Bowl, but what she did do was still impressive

Last night, there was a pretty epic football game that happened around an even MORE epic Lady Gaga performance. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl halftime show became immediately legendary. If you haven’t watched the entire performance yet, you need to immediately.
But for those of us who are on our seventh viewing, we are still SO impressed by Gaga’s incredible leap from the roof of the stadium. Unfortunately, the singer didn’t actually leap from the roof. But what she did was create an amazing optical illusion that convinced all of us that she did, and that’s even more impressive.
The opening of Lady Gaga’s performance was stunning to say the least.
Lady Gaga stood on the roof of the stadium with hundreds of drones lit up behind her. She opened with some patriotic songs, before leaping off the roof into the stadium. Or at least that’s what it looked like on TV.
Here’s what her performance looked like to the people in the stadium.
Basically, Gaga pre-taped the video of herself standing on the stadium roof and jumping.
When the video feed showed her diving off the roof, they actually cut to her hovering well above the stage, ready to drop in as if she had just dove down from the roof. The stunt had to be perfectly timed to work effectively, and Gaga’s team totally nailed it.
We are SO impressed by Gaga’s stunts and performance, and more impressed by how perfectly she fooled us.
We are definitely proud to call us her Little Monsters, because she totally blew us away. Mic drop!