OMG: There’s someone hiding in the bathtub in Kylie Jenner’s latest mirror selfie

Our girl Kylie Jenner has the fashion and makeup world in the palm of her hand. So it stands to reason that we carefully analyze each of her social media posts. After all, we want to soak up her savvy fashion sense and copy her beauty looks.

But some of us were in for a surprise when we checked out her latest Snapchat — a fantastic shot of Kylie in the bathroom wearing a corset and sheer skirt — only to realize there was someone standing in the shower behind her!!!

Kylie, watch out! There’s someone behind you!!!!

Seriously, isn’t this how most horror movies start?


But apparently, Kylie went unharmed, because she continued to post some gorgeous selfies:

As Cosmopolitan asks, “Does Kylie even know they’re there?!” Well, does she?! Perhaps the mystery person was there to help her get good lighting. For those of you in the mood for a new iPhone case, Kylie’s selfie is basically a genius advertisement for her own cosmetic company, Kylie Cosmetics. Apparently, Kylie doesn’t just create fantastic makeup, her phone cases have style, too.

She does look fabulous. Which is all the more reason for us to worry about psychos hanging out in her shower! But she seems to be alive and well, so we’ll just keep an eye on any future posts for any more hidden mystery guests.