Kylie Jenner announced a money-themed makeup collection, and Twitter has some thoughts

The Kardashian-Jenner family courts a fair amount of controversy, whether it’s through cultural appropriation or questionably themed birthday parties. When Forbes declared in March that Kylie Jenner was the world’s youngest “self-made” billionaire, there were many who found the title disingenuous. Sure, the youngest KarJenner has raked in the dough with her makeup line, Kylie Cosmetics, but she also comes from one of the country’s most famous families and definitely had the funds to cover any startup costs. So when Kylie unveiled a new, money-themed makeup collection, the backlash was strong.
In an August 1st Instagram post, Kylie announced her new birthday collection, launching August 10th. She posted a picture of herself in a dress decorated like a check from the Federal Reserve. In her Instagram stories, she revealed that the collection would be “money-themed,” with product names like “One in a Billion” and “Money Ain’t Everything.” The collection features glittery golds and greens and a dollar sign motif. There’s even a lip trio that comes in a box designed to look like a roll of cash. Basically, the whole collection is a celebration of wealth—especially Kylie’s wealth.
Twitter wasn’t thrilled with the new collection.
Many Twitter users called the theme of Kylie’s birthday collection “tone deaf.” Some argued that it came across as the makeup mogul bragging about her new billionaire status.
Some just wished they could afford it.
And others were ready to buy it.
What do you think about this one? Is Kylie’s new collection theme a billion-dollar idea, or did it miss the mark?