Kylie Jenner just won Halloween with her “Dead Dinner”

I’m sure your costume party was great and all, but it looks like Kylie Jenner’s “Dead Dinner” wins first prize this Halloween. Sorry. On Friday, the lip gloss maven and her boyfriend Tyga hosted a party and everything is so on point, you might get a little FOMO (or at least steal some of their ideas for next year). For costumes, the couple went super simple and easy with a skeleton theme and focused more on the face paint than the clothes — so they could actually be comfortable and enjoy themselves, which is always the first step to being the hostess with most-ess.

In addition to a killer couple’s costume, the menu was spook-tacular (sorry, I had to do it). They served, “rotten tomato soup to start, potion pear salad, penne with creamy blood sauce, and a chocolate ice cream casket” for dessert. There were also margarita shots in syringes and a cocktail with floating eyes, according to the pictures Kylie shared on Snapchat.

There was red mood lighting, a chocolate fountain that came up from a pumpkin, and the theme to John Carpenter’s Halloween played all night. Awesome, right?

Jenner shared parts of the party throughout the night, but it’s hard to make out who was on the guest list. Kendall was there for sure, in my favorite kind of costume: a non costume. With dark lipstick, a tight black dress, and stupid high shoes, she was also killing Halloween one margarita shot at a time.

Here are some of the other shots from the night:

The pumpkin chocolate fountain.

Some deliciously nasty looking cupcakes.

Things got a little rowdy.

What is this cocktail?

And of course, the host.

Dearest, Kylie, please invite us over next year. I don’t mind eyeballs in my martini.