Kristin Davis (aka Charlotte) says she thinks there are more “Sex and the City” stories to tell, and YASSS!

Without question, Sex and the City is one of the best female-centered shows that exists, and since it ended we’ve been craving more magic from Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda. And okay fine… Big, too. Well, there might be good news on that front, so listen carefully.

According to People, Kristin Davis (Charlotte) thinks there are more stories to tell! She talked about the show’s success in the humblest of ways, delving into its legacy and how no one really anticipated it.

"The whole entire ride of Sex and the City has been one surprise after another surprise. We never thought we would really be a hit. We didn’t think we’d win an Emmy, we didn’t think we’d get to make one film, much less another film."

And given that the show ran for six seasons and that it was a mega-hit with two successful movies on top, it seems only natural that she’s open to the possibilities of exploring things further. Why not capitalize on what already works wonders?

"I do feel inside like we’re not finished. I do feel like there’s another story. I would be up for anything Sarah Jessica and Michael Patrick King think is the right thing."

Okay, it’s obvious what needs to happen. SJP and MPK need to get to work! That might be a teensy bit tricky since SJP has ventured into the book publishing world and will be opening a clothing store, but surely she can find a few spare minutes to brainstorm ideas with the team.

SJP even mentioned in a September interview with the Press Association that a Sex and the City reunion will remain “an open question and discussion until it has been resolved.”

That’s positive and hopeful…right? Please…it would make all our Christmases come at once!

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