Kristin Cavallari goes platinum blonde, changing her hair for the first time since “Laguna Beach”

Kristin Cavallari is a pretty dependable sartorial presence. Since her Laguna Beach days the MTV reality star has looked virtually the same, specifically when it comes to her hair. She’s basically had medium-length dirty blonde hair since the dawn of time, and we’ve gotten very familiar and comfortable with it.

It totally suits her, and definitely made those of us born brunette want to dye our hair in the early 2000s. It’s just one of those things you can always depend on: days end in ‘y’, light in the morning and dark at night, and Kristin Cavallari’s hair.

See? Here she is at an event in 2006.


…and here she is earlier this year.


But now, after decades of beautiful reliability, Kristin went for a change. It looks like K.C. has gone platinum!


It’s definitely still in line with her signature hair color, but this is much lighter than we’re used to seeing her hair. And while we do love the familiar, sometimes change is good—and that’s definitely the case here. Although she’s not the first celebrity to take a ride on the blonder side lately, we think there’s certainly some more fun in store for her.

After all, if blondes have more fun then platinum blondes must have like… really fancy fun. With, like, a special airport lounge and cash back bonuses on certain preselected purchases and a much higher credit limit, or something.

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